Connect Wallet
Terms of Sale

This FAPEC Series NFT Purchase and License Agreement (this "Agreement") is an agreement between FAPEC Operation Service Limited ("FAPEC" or "We") and any FAPEC Series NFT holder ("You" or "Holder"). FAPEC and each holder may be referred to as "Parties" or individually as "Party" in this Agreement. By purchasing or otherwise holding the FAPEC Series NFT, you acknowledge that you have carefully read and agree to the terms of this Agreement.

When you agree to these terms, you agree (with a limited exception) to resolve any dispute between you and FAPEC through binding personal arbitration rather than court arbitration. For details of arbitration, please read section 14 "Dispute Resolution" below. However, if you are a resident of a jurisdiction prohibiting dispute arbitration by applicable law, the arbitration agreement in section 14 will not apply to you, but the provisions of Section 13 (applicable law and forum choice) will apply.

1. Terms in the agreement: "FAPEC Series NFT" is an irreplaceable token (NFT) (i. e. controllable electronic records recorded on the blockchain), created by smart contracts deployed to the Ethereum blockchain) ("FAPEC Smart Contract") and associated with the FAPEC art image at the time of its origin release. "FAPEC Assets" means a digital asset, such as a specific digital currency or other net worth and dividend asset, based on a combination of financial and statistical statistics that may come from the FAPEC Series NFT (including Genesis, community NFT and ST) and FAPEC ERC-20 Tokens, for example, because it involves the FAPEC market (defined below) associated with a specific FAPEC Series NFT consisting of elements compiled from the underlying FAPEC smart contract and owned by FAPEC.

2. Additional terms: The FAPEC Series NFTs can be purchased on one or more platforms, including but not limited to those located at NFT market, the platform is not owned or operated by us. Access to and use of the NFT sites are subject to the separate terms of the NFT site. If there is a conflict between the terms of the NFT website and this Agreement regarding the FAPEC Series NFT and/or FAPEC ST, this Agreement controls.
3. Ownership of the FAPEC Series NFT. When the holder holds the digital wallet of the FAPEC Series NFT, he holds all individual property rights of the FAPEC Series NFT (e. g., the right to freely sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the FAPEC Series NFT). However, these rights do not include ownership of intellectual property in the FAPEC art. These rights will be licensed as described below. Depending on your personal property rights, as stated above, we may not confiscate, freeze, or otherwise modify the ownership of any FAPEC Series NFT.
4. You can buy and sell the FAPEC Series NFT by connecting your digital wallet (supported bridge extension), which allows you to purchase, store and trade with our acceptable currency. Before purchasing the FAPEC Series NFT, we may ask you to download a supported electronic wallet extension and use that extension to connect and unlock your digital wallet. Once you submit an order for selling or purchasing the FAPEC Series NFT, your order is delivered to the applicable extension, which will complete the transaction on your behalf.
5. The Holder represents and warrants that in any subsequent transaction the FAPEC Series NFT will not be transferred to (i) located in a country prohibited by the United States Government or designated by the United States Government; or (ii) to the list of prohibited or restricted parties by the United States Government ("prohibited transferee"). "Secondary transaction" means any transaction in which a holder sells the FAPEC Series NFT to another holder after the first purchase of the FAPEC Series NFT.
6. The holder may provide utility, benefits or rights, including but not limited to third parties provided using the FAPEC Series NFT and FAPEC applications (the "Utilities"), but this Agreement does not grant any utility unless a license is granted. FAPEC does not guarantee any utility. Any public utility may be subject to any other terms and conditions. FAPEC will not be responsible in any way for any utility provided by any third party.
7. FAPEC has no obligation to support the resolution or settlement of any disputes that may arise between the FAPEC Series NFT holders.
8. Non-commercial license. Upon your compliance with this Agreement, FAPEC hereby grants you a non-exclusive, global, royalty-free, revocable license to hold the FAPEC Series NFT (recorded by the FAPEC Smart Contract), No right to sublicense, use, copy, display FAPEC digital assets and equity interest certificates related to the FAPEC series NFT you purchased, Purpose is as follows:
(a) for your personal and non-commercial purposes, including creating a reasonable number of backup copies and physical prints, as long as you hold the relevant FAPEC series NFT to retain; (b) to sell or otherwise transfer the associated FAPEC Series NFT consistent with its ownership (e.g. publish a sales list on the NFT website); and (c) use it in the FAPEC trading market or in any third party product compatible with the FAPEC Series NFT.

9. Business license. Upon your compliance with this Agreement, FAPEC hereby grants you the right to hold FAPEC Series NFT (such as recorded in the FAPEC smart contract) to obtain the registration of FAPEC digital assets and equity certificates related to FAPEC Series NFT (including but not limited to mortgage, asset certification business). "Business Purpose" means the use of the FAPEC financial business associated with the FAPEC Series NFT you purchased for all legitimate business purposes, whether now known or created in the future. You will be entitled to all income generated from the equity certificate.
10. FAPEC Digital assets and equity certificates. FinanceApeClub Community NFT, as an ID PASS, is also the equity certificate of FAPEC trading platform, has the right to profit from the dividend of the trading platform. 60% of the profit, being the revenue of the platform after deducting the operating costs, will be automatically transferred to the wallet address of NFT holders. NFT holders can obtain data of digital assets through the exclusive channel on website for members.
11. FinanceApeClub Community composition, and the proportion of equity: Genesis NFT (30%) + community NFT (50%) + ST NFT (20%).
12. The Holder shall not, without the prior express written consent of FAPEC, permit any third party to do or attempt to do any of the following: (i) modify the FAPEC art unless expressly permitted by this Agreement; (ii) use FAPEC interests in a violation of applicable law and (iii) use FAPEC interests in the promotion of hate speech, illegal activities, vulgar media or commodities (e.g., Sex), aggressive behavior, violence, cruelty or political statements; (iv) attempt to register any trademark, copyright, or otherwise acquire or enforce intellectual property, or (vi) make a defamatory or dishonest statement concerning the FAPEC network or otherwise damage the goodwill, value or reputation of the FAPEC network.
13. There is no right to settle the digital assets. You may not apply for any reason to execute any community assets of FinanceApeClub, including any domain name, social media accounts, or related digital assets.
14. Payment, fees, and secondary transactions."buying and selling". The holder hereby agrees to purchase the FAPEC Series NFT at a price determined by the FAPEC (the "Main Transaction Purchase Price"). Without limiting any of the above provisions, the effective execution of this Agreement, including the delivery of the FAPEC Series NFT, shall be subject to the payment of the purchase price of the primary transaction, and form of payment. The Holder undertakes and agrees to pay to FAPEC the purchase price for the primary transaction, and in any case no later than three working days after the Effective Date. Form of payment: FAPEC agrees to accept payment for the purchase price of the main transaction, but FAPEC may accept other payment methods or forms of payment by-conversion to US dollars. The exchange rate of US dollars in any other form of payment shall be determined only by FAPEC or its transferee or agent under reasonable and acceptable market practices and subject to additional transaction fees. Natural gas costs. If the holder sells, buys, or otherwise transfers the FAPEC Series NFT, any financial transaction in which the holder participates will be made only through the Ethereum network managing the FAPEC Series NFT, and the holder will be required to pay or receive payments only through a cryptocurrency wallet connected to the NFT website. FAPEC has no insight or control over these payments or transactions, nor is FAPEC the ability to reverse any transactions. Therefore, FAPEC is not liable to you or any third party for any claim or damage that may result from any transaction you make through the NFT website. The "gas fee" funds the computer networks running the decentralized Ethereum network, meaning that holders will have to pay for the gas for every transaction that occurs through the Ethereum network. Through the purchase or sale of the FAPEC Series NFT on the NFT website or any other platform, you agree to pay all applicable fees and you authorize FAPEC to automatically deduct fees (including any transaction costs or gas charges) from payments paid by the holder.
15. Secondary affairs. All secondary transactions of the FAPEC network are subject to the following terms:
(a) The FAPEC Series NFT Assignee ("Assignee") shall, through the purchase of, accept, access or otherwise use as the "holder" of the FAPEC Series NFT; (b) the FAPEC Series NFT Transfernor (the "transferor") shall provide the transferee with notice of this Agreement, including the link to the terms of this Agreement and (c) the FAPEC Collection creator is entitled to five percent (5%) of the total payment by the transferee (the "Royalty"). The version royalties can be changed according to the actual situation. Notwithstanding the above provisions, additional fees may be charged based on the structure of the secondary transaction concerned and at the discretion of the FAPEC. FAPEC shall pay royalties on the same terms and simultaneous payments to the transferee. The holder further acknowledges and agrees that all subsequent transactions of the FAPEC Series NFT will be conducted on the blockchain network that manages the FAPEC Series NFT and that the holder will be required to make or receive payments only through its cryptocurrency wallet.

16. You further acknowledge and agree that all secondary transactions will be conducted on an applicable blockchain network (such as Ethereum) compatible with the FAPEC Series NFT, and will require you to pay or receive payments exclusively through your cryptocurrency wallet.
17. Without limitation to any other termination right, FAPEC may suspend or terminate license if there is a reasonable basis to believe that you are engaged in chain sales of FAPEC series NFT, or engage in any out-of-chain trading of FAPEC series NFT that do not make applicable royalty. You and all subsequent assignee shall be responsible for the payment of royalties related to the purchase price of the secondary transaction, whether the purchase price is paid on, off the chain or a combination of the above.
18. Except as expressly provided herein, you shall not engage in any transaction or activity in the FAPEC Series NF decoupling.
19. Warranty disclaimer and risk taking. The holder expresses and warrants that it is the majority of the age where the holder lives usually in the United States and legal capacity to enter into this agreement, FAPEC expressly denies any implied warranty of merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, quiet enjoyment and non-infringement, and any warranty arising out of the course of transaction or the use of trade. The FAPEC does not guarantee that the FAPEC products do not meet the requirements of the holder or are provided on an uninterrupted, safe or error-free basis. The FAPEC does not make any warranty about the quality, accuracy, timeliness, authenticity, integrity, or reliability of any information or content.
20. FAPEC is not liable for any loss or liability for any use of the FAPEC series NFT, including but not limited to any loss, damage or claims: (I) user errors, such as forgotten passwords, transaction errors, or wallet address errors; (II) server failures or data loss; (III) damaged cryptocurrency wallet files; (IV) unauthorized access to the FAPEC series NFT; or (V) any unauthorized third-party activities, including, but not limited to the use of viruses, phishing, violent attacks or other attacks on the blockchain network behind the network.
21. The FAPEC series NFT is an intangible digital asset. They exist only through the ownership records maintained in the applicable blockchain network. Any transfer of ownership that may occur in any unique digital asset occurs on a distributed ledger within that blockchain network that FAPEC cannot control. There is no guarantee that FAPEC can affect the transfer of ownership or rights of any company. The holder is fully responsible for verifying the identity, legality and authenticity of the assets purchased by the holder through the NFT website. Despite the metrics and information indicated to require verification, FAPEC does not make any statements about the identity, legality or authenticity of the assets on the NFT website or any alleged subsequent transactions.
22. FAPEC is not responsible for any type of failure, abnormal behavior of the software (e.g., wallet, smart contract), blockchain, or any other function of the FAPEC NFT , NFT website, or fast games. FAPEC is not responsible for any issues since developers or representatives delayed reporting blockchain supporting FAPEC NFT (or no reporting at all), including forks, technical node issues, or any other issues resulting in the loss of funds.
23. Certain jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties in contracts with consumers, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

The assumption of risk. The Holder accepts and acknowledges all risks associated to:
(1) The price and liquidity of cryptocurrency assets (including any non-financial financial assets) are extremely volatile. Fluctuations in the price of other digital assets could have a significant adverse impact on existing FAPEC assets, which could also be affected by significant price fluctuations. We cannot guarantee any holders of NFT. (2) The holder is solely responsible for assessing the prior commercial uses of the FAPEC Series NFT and for determining whether they affect the value or feasibility of any future use. (3) The Holder is solely responsible for determining the taxes on the purchase, sale or transfer of the FAPEC Series NFT. The FAPEC is not responsible for determining or paying the taxes applicable to such transactions. (4) FAPEC does not store, send, or receive cryptocurrency assets. Any transfer of cryptocurrency assets occurs within a supported blockchain that is not controlled by the FAPEC. Transactions in FAPEC online transactions may be irreversible, and therefore, losses caused by fraud or unexpected transactions may not be recoverable. Certain transactions of the FAPEC Series NFT shall be deemed to be conducted when recorded on the public blockchain ledger, which is not necessarily the date or time at which the holder initiated the transaction. (5) There are risks associated with using Internet-based digital assets, including, but not limited to, risks of hardware, software and Internet connections, malware introduction, and risks that third parties may gain unauthorized access to information stored in your digital wallet. The FAPEC will not be responsible for any communication failures, interruptions, errors, distortions, or delays that you may encounter when performing the FAPEC series NFT transactions, regardless of what happens. (6) The lack of use or public interest in the creation and development of distributed ecosystems may negatively impact the development and related applications of these ecosystems, and therefore may also negatively affect the potential utility or value of a certain NFT. (7) Digital assets, including blockchain-based assets, such as the FAPEC series of NFTs, are subject to laws and regulations enacted around the world. (8) Transactions involving the FAPEC series NFT may rely on third-party platforms to execute transactions. If FAPEC is unable to maintain a good relationship with such platform suppliers; if the terms and conditions or pricing of such platform suppliers change; if FAPEC violates or fails to comply with the terms and conditions of such platforms; if any platform loses market share or falls out of favor or fails for a long time, the access and interaction of FAPEC Series NFT will be affected. (9) By participating in the sale and purchase of the FAPEC Series NFT, you say that you understand the inherent risks associated with using cryptographic and blockchain-based systems, and that you have a working knowledge of digital assets. Such a system may have vulnerabilities or other faults, or other abnormal behavior. FAPEC is not responsible for any issues in the blockchain, including forks, technology node issues, or any other issues that will cost money thereby. You acknowledge that the cost and speed of conducting transactions with crypto-and blockchain-based systems such as Ethereum is variable and may increase at any time. You further acknowledge the risk that your digital assets may lose some or all of their value when provided by the FAPEC. You further acknowledge that we are not responsible for any of these variables or risks or for any loss you suffered during the purchase of the FAPEC Series NFT. Therefore, you understand and agree to assume full responsibility for all risks involved in the sale of the FAPEC Series NFT. (10) Links to third-party websites or resources. The use and interaction of FAPEC network financial technology can allow holders access to third-party websites or other resources. FAPEC only provides convenient access services and is not responsible for content, products or services displayed on resources or links to these sites. The Holder acknowledges sole responsibility and assumes all risks arising from the use of any third party resources. In no case is the holder unable to view it on a third party website to justify a claim against FAPEC. (11) Compensation. The Holder shall protect, indemnify and protect FAPEC, its licensors and affiliates ("Indemnities") from any and any claims, disputes, claims, damages, losses, costs, investigations, liabilities, judgments, fines, penalties, settlements, interest, fees (including attorney fees) directly or indirectly arising or involving third party claims, lawsuits, lawsuits, claims or lawsuits, including persons accessing or trading FAPEC Series NFTs), or through investigation, defense, or settlement, causing or with (a) you visit or use the NFT Website and (b) you violate this Agreement. (12) Limits of liability. To the greatest extent permitted by law, Both the FAPEC and its service providers, Participate in the creation of a single, produce, Or delivery of the FAPEC Series NFT will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damage, Or loss of profit, loss of revenue, Loss of savings, Business opportunity, lost losses, goodwill data, service interruption, computer damage, or system failure or costs of any form of alternative FAPEC Series NFT associated to this or any provision, Whether based on security, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability, or any other legal theory, And whether the FAPEC or its service provider has been informed of the possibility of such damage, Even if the limited remedies specified in this Agreement are found to fail to achieve its essential purpose. (13) To the maximum extent permitted by the law of the applicable jurisdiction, in no event shall the total liability for this provision or any act or entering into that act exceed $100. (14) The exclusion and limitation of the above damages are essential elements of the transaction between the defendant and the holder. (15) Administrative law and forum options. This Agreement and any action in connection thereto will be governed by the laws of the British Virgin Islands without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Unless otherwise expressly specified in "Dispute Resolution", exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes (defined as follows), the holder and FAPEC need not require arbitration to place the court in the British Virgin Islands, and the holder and FAPEC each waive any opposing jurisdiction and venue in such court. (16) Dispute resolution. Mandatory arbitration of a dispute. The Parties each agree that any dispute, claim or dispute, or the validity of any violation, termination, execution, interpretation or validity (collectively, the "Dispute") will be settled only by binding, individual arbitration, rather than category, representative or consolidated litigation or proceedings. You and FAPEC agree that the BVI Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and execution of this Agreement and that both you and FAPEC waive their right to jury trial or to participate in a class action. This arbitration clause shall remain valid after the termination of this clause. (17) Exceptional case. As the above limited exception: (i) the parties may settle the dispute in the court of small claims; (ii) both parties reserve the right to seek injunction or other equitable relief from the court to prevent (or prohibit) the infringement or misappropriation of our intellectual property rights. (18) Implement the arbitration and arbitration rules. Arbitration will be conducted by JAMS in accordance with its JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures (the "JAMS Rules"), except as amended. JAMS rules can be found at The party wishing to begin arbitration must submit a written arbitration request to JAMS and notify the other party as provided by JAMS rules. JAMS has provided the company with Form at

24. Any arbitration hearing will be held in the county (or parish) where you live, unless the parties agree at a different location, but any such arbitration will be conducted remotely to the extent permitted by the JAMS rules. The Parties agree that the arbitrator shall have the right to determine all issues relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability and scope of this arbitration Agreement.
(1) Arbitration costs. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will be governed by JAMS rules and FAPEC will not seek to recover the administration and arbitrator fees paid unless the arbitrator finds that your dispute is irrelevant. If FAPEC wins in arbitration, FAPEC will pay all its attorney fees and fees and will not seek to recover them from you. If you prevail in arbitration, you will be entitled to attorney fees and fees under the applicable law. (2) Injunctive relief and declaratory relief. The arbitrator shall determine all issues of liability on any claim asserted by either party that may award the declaration or injunctive relief only supporting the individual seeking relief, only to the extent of the party guaranteeing relief of the individual claim. To the extent that you or FAPEC occupy the claim and seek public injunctive relief (that is, the primary purpose and effect of injunctive relief prohibit illegal acts and threaten future harm to the public), the right and extent of this remedy must be in civil court litigation jurisdiction, not arbitration. The parties agree that any action on the issue of public injunctive relief shall continue pending the outcome of the merits of any individual claim in the arbitration. (3) Class-action immunity. You and FAPEC agree that the parties can only file a claim against another party in you or their personal capacity and not as plaintiff or class member in any alleged class or representative action. Moreover, if the dispute between the parties is settled by arbitration, the arbitrator shall not merge the claims of others with yours, nor preside over any form of representation or class action. If this particular clause is found to be unenforceable, this dispute settlement part will be invalid in full.
25. General conditions.
This agreement will assign and bind the parties and their permitted heirs and assigns, especially any transferee, and make their interests. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and supersedes any and all representations, understandings and agreements of the parties in respect to the subject matter hereof, all of which are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. However, any other document, process of transaction, or trade process will not modify this Agreement unless expressly provided in this Agreement or the parties may agree in writing.
FAPEC reserves the right to clarify or amend this Agreement through the public release of a new version of the Agreement, including but not limited to the NFT website, or any successor website. Failure to timely enforce the terms of this Agreement will not be construed as a waiver thereof.
Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be established or construed as a joint venture or partnership with the parties. Is not authorized to be the agent or legal representative of the other party under this Agreement or otherwise. Neither party of this Agreement shall be granted any right or authority to assume or create any obligation or liability, express or implied, or in any way bind the other party.
Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to create any third-party beneficiary rights against any third party. Each party recognizes that it has had the opportunity to allow its selected independent legal counsel to examine this Agreement. If any one or more provisions of this Agreement are ruled invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the provision deemed invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed amended and enforceable by courts or other governmental agencies to reform the terms to the minimum extent that they are valid and in accordance with the intent of the parties.
The headings of the sections of this Agreement are for convenience or reference only and do not form a part of this Agreement and will not in any way affect its interpretation. In the construction of this Agreement, neither party will be given or denied priority as drafters or otherwise. For the purposes of this Agreement, the words "include," and "for example" are deemed as "but not limited to."
26. Contact information.
Please contact us via email